Tibia MULTI-IP Changer (7.1-8.4) New Version

Tibia MULTI-IP Changer

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  1. Oskar123

    User deleted

    Tibia MULTI-IP Changer

    Tibia MULTI-IP Changer == ( 7.1 7.2 7.6 7.8 7.9 7.91 8.0 8.1 8.11 8.2 8.21 8.22 8.3 8.31 8.4 ) ==

  2. dasad

    User deleted

  3. damienlee

    User deleted

    Trojan Virus found on this download!! thanks alot!!! :angry:
  4. skiaba

    User deleted

    Talaturen's IP Changer is an application to replace the host in tibiaclient. It is created by me (Talaturen), with some minor help from Kiper with the UI and Kornholijo with the memory editing.

    It's written in C++ using the GUI library Qt 4.5.3. It's open source and licensed under the GNU GPL (General Public License) v2. It should run under both Windows and *nix systems.

    It works with protocol 7.6, 7.8, 7.92, 8.0, 8.1, 8.11, 8.2, 8.21, 8.22, 8.3, 8.31, 8.4, 8.41, 8.42, 8.5, 8.52 and 8.53.

    Information about stylesheets: Qt 4.5: Qt Style Sheets

    Current Version: 3.0

    ChangeLog (1.1):

    * Protocol 8.41 support.
    * Fixed broken protocol 8.0 support.
    * Linux support (untested).
    * You can no longer run more than one instance of the IP Changer.
    * The IP Changer now has a fixed size, it cannot be resized anymore.
    * Updated to Qt 4.5.
    * Cleanups & optimizations.

    ChangeLog (1.2):

    * Change IP from tray.
    * The IP Changer will now go to tray on minimize action too.
    * Cleanups & optimizations.

    ChangeLog (1.3):

    * 8.42 client support.
    * Updates Tibia title in Windows with the IP.
    * Fixed a possible bug in the Linux version.
    * Cleanups & optimizations.
    * There's an installer again!

    ChangeLog (2.0):

    * 8.5 test client support.
    * New interface with scrollable combo box, which reads servers from IP List.
    * Configurable timeouts for IP List.
    * Temporary fix for crash when removing last server.
    * Cleanups & optimizations.

    ChangeLog (2.1):

    * 8.5 client support.
    * Cleanups & optimizations.

    ChangeLog (3.0):

    * 8.53 client support.
    * Support for otserv:// protocol handler (if it doesn't work, run the IP Changer as admin once and then try).
    * Possible to replace host on client using shortcuts (use //ip/port as args).
    * Client launcher.
    * Cleanups & optimizations.

3 replies since 19/12/2008, 09:47   13057 views